Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, India
Substance: Trenbolone Acetate
Pack: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)
Trenbolone acetate is an anabolic steroid used to produce "quality muscle", increase strength and enhance athletic performance. The acetate version of the trenbolone hormone has a short acting life, which makes it different from the other two derivatives of the base hormone. Trenbolone acetate is a very popular steroid, despite the fact that it has a short acting life and has to be injected daily. It produces good results in a relatively short period of time and it stacks well with almost everything. It has potent androgenic activity and like in case of other derivatives of the base hormone, it does not convert to estrogen and does not produce any estrogen-related side effects such as gynecomastia or water retention. Prior to initiation of the cycle with trenbolone acetate, make sure you are well acknowledged with all its specific features. Avoid the drug if you are hypersensitive to it, or have carcinoma of the breast or cancer of the prostate gland. Trenbolone acetate is also contraindicated in athletes with preexistent cardiovascular diseases, renal or hepatic diseases.
The most important functions and traits
Effective doses and indications of use
As already mentioned, trenbolone acetate comes in form of injections. Generally, each athlete has to start with a lower dose and notice how the body reacts to it. Afterwards, increase or decrease the dose to the most suitable one for a predetermined period of time. Since trenbolone acetate has a short acting life, it is indicated to inject the drug daily. Therefore, the recommended dose of trenbolone acetate is 35-150mg per day. More often, athletes use the dose that ranges between 50-100 mg per day. However, again, it depends on the expected results and the pre-existent medical condition of each athlete. If trenbolone acetate by itself does not provide effective results, it may be combined with other injectable steroid. In this case, drostanolone propionate and testosterone are good choices. Most of the athletes claim that trenbolone acetate may produce good results with a dose that ranges between 50-75 mg per day in combination with other steroids.
Prior to initiation of the cycle with trenbolone acetate, make sure you read carefully all the indications of use. Determine the most suitable dose for you and take all measures of precaution in order to avoid any side effects. Before injecting the drug, inspect very well the ampule. If you detect any crystals or particles, hold the ampule for a few minutes in your hand in order warm up the solution and have all the crystals dissolved. Do not worry about these particles; these usually form if the drug is not stored at the proper temperature. Shake well the ampule before injecting it. Trenbolone acetate is for intramuscular use and not for intravenous use. Try to inject the drug in the deep gluteal muscle.
Possible side effects with trenbolone acetate
Like all anabolic steroids, trenbolone acetate may cause side effects. Generally, side effects are not a significant issue with this drug. Most of the times, side effects are dose dependent, this means that at higher doses there is an increased incidence of developing androgen-related side effects. Most of the side effects of trenbolone acetate are similar to other anabolic steroids and can be controlled following proper measures of precaution. Anyway, all the side effects are a possibility, and while some athletes may experience side effects with a different in frequency, intensity and duration, some athletes may not experience side effects.
Due to the increased androgen activity of the drug, there exists the possibility of developing androgen related side effects such as acne, hair loss, and facial and body hair growth. These side effects also depend on how predisposed to male pattern baldness the person is. Another possible side effect of trenbolone acetate is suppression of cholesterol levels. This is the reason athletes with preexisting cardiovascular diseases should exercise caution to administered doses.
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